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Welcome to Prosecure Solutions and thanks for visiting. By accessing our site, you are agreeing to these terms. So please read them carefully.


Using our Site

You may use our site and services only as permitted by law. We may suspend or terminate your access if you don’t comply with our policies or if we are investigating alleged misconduct.



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Trading Terms & Conditions

See our Trading Terms & Conditions for more information


Privacy Protection

See our Privacy Policy regarding how we handle your personal information and protect your private data when you use our site.


The following terms and conditions are entered between the Customer and 5 Rock Solutions Pty Ltd (T/A Prosecure Solutions)


1.  Payment Terms, Refunds & Validity

A non-refundable deposit of 100% of the agreed cost of works will be required when the quote for installation has been accepted and/or an order is placed.

  1. Any remaining balance is payable immediately upon completion of the works by our service technician or sub-contractor.

  2. Payment is accepted by bank transfer, debit/credit card or cash. The accepted payment cards are: Mastercard & Visa.

  3. Quotes are valid for 14 days from the date stated on the quote unless otherwise stated in writing by Prosecure Solutions.

  4. Prosecure Solutions expect you to pay monies due promptly. If payment to us is overdue, refer to clauses 2 & 3 of this document in regard to default late fees payable & your responsibility as the customer.

  5. Refunds on the hardware products and equipment are governed by the policy of the product manufacturer and ACCC Law. Refer the product warranties, terms & conditions before the purchase.

  6. Deposits will only be refunded when Prosecure Solutions is unable to provide the agreed products and services to the customer.


2.  Default and Consequences of Default

  1. Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue daily from the date when payment becomes due, until the date of payment, at a rate of two percent (2%) daily (and at Prosecure Solutions sole discretion such interest shall compound monthly at such a rate) after as well as before any judgment. All dishonour & late payments will also attract a one hundred and forty dollars ($140) late payment & admin fee.

  2. If the Customer owes Prosecure Solutions any money the Customer shall indemnify Prosecure Solutions from and against all costs and disbursements incurred by Prosecure solutions in recovering the debt (including but not limited to internal administration fees, legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis, Prosecure Solutions contract default fee, and bank dishonour fees).

  3. Further to any other rights or remedies Prosecure Solutions may have under this Contract, if a Customer has made payment to Prosecure Solutions, and the transaction is subsequently reversed, the Customer shall be liable for the amount of the reversed transaction, in addition to any further costs incurred by Prosecure Solutions where it can be proven that such reversal is found to be illegal, fraudulent or in contravention to the Customer’s obligations under this Contract.

  4. Without prejudice to Prosecure Solutions other remedies at law Prosecure Solutions shall be entitled to cancel all or any part of any order of the Customer which remains unfulfilled and all amounts owing to Prosecure Solutions shall, whether or not due for payment, become immediately payable if:

    • any money payable to Prosecure Solutions becomes overdue, or in Prosecure Solutions opinion the Customer will be unable to make a payment when it falls due;

    • the Customer has exceeded any applicable credit limit provided by Prosecure Solutions;

    • the Customer becomes insolvent, convenes a meeting with its creditors or proposes or enters into an arrangement with creditors, or makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or

    • a receiver, manager, liquidator (provisional or otherwise) or similar person is appointed in respect of the Customer or any asset of the Customer.


3.  Cancellation

  1. Without prejudice to any other remedies Prosecure Solutions may have, if at any time the Customer is in breach of any obligation (including those relating to payment) under these terms and conditions the Prosecure Solutions may suspend or terminate the supply of Goods to the Customer. Prosecure Solutions will not be liable to the Customer for any loss or damage the Customer suffers because Prosecure Solutions has exercised its rights under this clause.

  2. Prosecure Solutions may cancel any contract to which these terms and conditions apply or cancel Delivery of Goods at any time before the Goods are delivered by giving written notice to the Customer. On giving such notice Prosecure Solutions shall repay to the Customer any money paid by the Customer for the Goods. Prosecure Solutions shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from such cancellation.

  3. In the event that the Customer cancels Delivery of Goods the Customer shall be liable for any and all loss incurred (whether direct or indirect) by Prosecure Solutions as a direct result of the cancellation (including, but not limited to, any loss of profits).

  4. Cancellation of orders for Goods made to the Customer’s specifications, or for non-stocklist items, will definitely not be accepted once production has commenced, or an order has been placed.



4.  Installation of Security System(s) & Products

  1. The installed system (CCTV, Intruder Alarm or Access Control) is designed to reduce the risk of loss or damage to your premises so far as this can be done by the use of this type of equipment. However, we do not guarantee that the system cannot be removed, accessed, tampered with or made to stop working by you or any unauthorised person. Should this happen, Prosecure Solutions are not responsible for any losses you may suffer directly or indirectly.

  2. Prosecure Solutions must carry out the Security System Installation during Normal Working Hours with all reasonable skill and care and perform the work in a workman like and professional manner.

  3. Title to any part or parts of the Security System purchased by the Customer will not pass upon delivery until payment is received in full, the Customer must:

    • until such time maintain such part or parts of it in good order and condition; and

    • if payment is not made within 7 days of the due date, the Customer irrevocably authorises Prosecure Solutions to enter its Premises and agrees that Prosecure Solutions is entitled to take possession of the part or parts without any liability to the Customer.

  4. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that all cutting of ways, excavation, cable trenching, provision of 240 mains power connections, cable installation, alterations to existing equipment, interfacing with fire, heat or detection systems and lifting equipment required to work at heights are not included in the Security System Installation unless specified in the Offer.

  5. Prosecure Solutions will not be responsible for any disruption of a network, software or equipment of the Customer caused by the impact of the interface, integration or addition of the Security System supplied by Prosecure Solutions.

  6. Prosecure Solutions will not be responsible for the failure of any product to carry out its intended operation, all security equipment supplied & installed is done so on the basis & understanding that it is a designed as a deterrent product or system.

  7. The Customer shall make the Premises available and, in such form, as to allow Prosecure Solutions to commence Security System Installation by the date specified in the Offer. The Customer agrees to ensure that the Premises must at all times be a safe working environment and (without limitation) will not contain asbestos or similar hazards.

  8. This Agreement is based upon Prosecure Solutions having free and uninterrupted access to the Premises at all times, and on the Security System being capable of being installed in a continuous sequence. Should restricted access force Prosecure Solutions to cease or suspend work and/or leave the Premises and return to Premises at a later time, the reasonable costs of doing so may be added by Prosecure Solutions to the Fees. The Customer shall provide adequate facilities at the Premises at no cost to Prosecure Solutions. Where required and not otherwise stated, these shall include parking facilities, Site lighting, site power, lifting and handling equipment, scaffolding, vertical lifts, elevated work platforms, and rubbish removal skips.

  9. In the event that Prosecure Solutions has agreed to carry out the Security Service Installation based on information provided by the Customer in relation to the condition of the Premises and Prosecure Solutions has quoted on the basis of such advice, any unanticipated problems that might arise on the Premises involving extra work or materials may result in Prosecure Solutions increasing the Fee specified in the Offer.

  10. Minor building works including trenching, backfilling and restoration, provision of penetrations, making good, flashing, chasing, console and joinery work, provision of mounting brackets and foundation plinths are to be performed by others at no cost to Prosecure Solutions.

  11. If Prosecure Solutions is delayed in reaching completion of the Security System Installation by the date agreed between the parties as a result of a delay which is outside its reasonable control then Prosecure Solutions shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of time to complete the Security System Installation.

  12. Should Prosecure Solutions be delayed in carrying out its work by delays caused by acts or omissions of the Customer, its servants or agents, any contractors or consultants engaged by the Customer or any head contractor or other party to which the Customer has contracted with, then Prosecure Solutions shall be entitled to claim the reasonable costs of the delay from the Customer, and the amount shall be a debt due and owing to Prosecure Solutions. The Customer may, before completion of the Security System Installation, request Prosecure Solutions in writing to vary the scope of the work involved in the Security System Installation which Prosecure Solutions may, at its sole discretion choose to accept. Prosecure Solutions will provide a quotation for the proposed variation, and shall advise in writing the revised Fee, any time extension necessary and the technical impact of any proposed variation. Variations shall be priced by Prosecure Solutions employing standard price lists or reasonable rates or prices, and shall include an amount for any design costs, management costs, overheads and profit.

  13. Prosecure Solutions may substitute products or equipment offered as part of the Security System with technically equivalent or superior products provided that the Customer has been informed by Prosecure Solutions and accepts in writing the alternative product offered prior to its supply.

  14. The work detailed in the quotation covers all nominated points. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the quotation meets all the requisites. All additional work required will be invoiced accordingly.

  15. The customer warrants that the premises will ensure a safe working environment and, without limitation, shall not involve asbestos or similar hazards or infectious or building diseases.

  16. For CCTV or security equipment installation, all electrical or internet prerequisites such as power points, routers etc. must be arranged by the customer and should be in working condition. Prosecure Solutions can also engage external contractors at an additional cost to the customer.

  17. Remote access for security Alarm or CCTV equipment requires internet network and must be arranged by customer. For effective function of remote access, there should be no disruptions such as firewall or restricted ports. For any networking activity done by Prosecure Solutions technician (such as opening firewalls etc.), it will incur hourly charges starting from $110 +GST as the base charge.

  18. For any unplanned maintenance by the product manufacturer, Prosecure Solutions is not responsible for any downtime caused by these interruptions.

  19. Remote app & any Software provided by the manufacturer must be installed and updated regularly by the customer. The Customer is provided the initial training for remote app &/or Software. If the Customer chooses to reinstall the app &/or Software in a different device at a later stage and requires engagement of our technician or support team for further training, this may incur additional charges at the rate of $110 per 30 minutes.

  20. We have not included any cable tray, catenary wires, conduit, ducting or any other requirements not made obvious in the quoting documentation.

  21. Access holes may be required, however patching and painting is excluded and to be done by others at the customers expense.

  22. When relocating existing equipment, we are not responsible for the equipment or the programming thereof

  23. Basic programming has been included to get the system(s) to a comprehensive working state.

  24. Any special programming will be charged at $110.00 per hour.



5.  Warranties

  1. All equipment and hardware provided to the customer include the standard manufacturer warranty, E.g. HikVision, HiLook & Dahua Cameras and NVR/DVR’s include 2 years of manufacturer warranty (exclude HDD & Batteries which are normally a 1-year warranty). All other products come with a standard 12-month warranty unless documented otherwise.

  2. Prosecure Solutions normally provides 2 years of cabling warranty on recommended Security products (such as HikVision for CCTV, Bosch & Paradox for Alarm etc.). Prosecure Solutions cabling warranty covers the cabling of the products supplied by Prosecure Solutions only. Any products purchased by the customer and installed by Prosecure Solutions may not be covered for cabling warranty (unless and otherwise agreed upon in writing).

  3. Prosecure Solutions provides 2-year workmanship warranty that covers for the repair of the installation, loose fittings cabling etc that was installed by Prosecure Solutions.

  4. Under any circumstance, any equipment provided should not be tampered with in any way. Any such action will void its warranty.


Trading Terms & Conditions
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